05 Jan Repair and restoration of 2 hats for Jimmy
The delightful Jimmy arrived at my studio with 2 hats that desperately needed some repair and attention!
His favorite old Akubra felt hat was VERY out of shape and had shrunk in size.
I gave it a new life by re-blocking it into shape, stretching the crown and adding hat ties so he can wear it when sailing.
His other hat was from South America and was made from paper…..
I thought we only wore paper hats around the Christmas lunch table! 🙂
It was fraying and falling apart, but somehow I managed to repair & reshape it back to life!
Jimmy was very pleased with both hats.
Jimmy’s gorgeous testimonial…
“I’m happy to recommend Wendi to anyone needing a new hat or a repair. I found her by the usual way on the internet and her service was impeccable, thoughtful and also fast! I had both my hats ready before Xmas eve and I only found her 4 days before.
I can’t recommend her enough”…..Jimmy. Dec 2018 See more of my hat restorations >
On a professional note: To gentlemen buying hats
I really recommend that you invest in good quality straw hats for summer and felt hats in winter
– they last much longer than paper hats!