Restyling of hats – A little facelift for your favourite hat!

I encourage my clients to have their hats re-styled or re-trimmed for a totally new look and style because:

–   Your hat might be squashed and need repairing or re-blocking into shape
–   It may look out-date and in need of a little facelift!
–   It is more economical to have your hats restyled if you attend quite a few carnivals during the horse racing seasons.
–   You will be supporting sustainable fashion by re-using the hat and not throwing it in the garbage bin! 


As all of my hats are made by hand and not glued together, they can easily be re-modelled into different styles (shapes), and the trims can be changed. I can design and restyle your hat to complement your new outfit.

If you had a hat made for a wedding or Melbourne Cup lunch that doesn’t match anything in your wardrobe now.
Please call me on 0411 22 82 32 or email me


Marilyn’s vintage hat re-styled
Being petite, Marilyn’s hat was much too large for her small frame. She really loved my suggestion of restyling her hat into a cheeky, mini top hat.  With a new brim and a stylish black trim added later… the hat was a great success.

Do you have any hats hiding in boxes in the wardrobe, that are in need of some tender loving care?

Please contact me if you would like me to re-style or re-shape your hat 0411 22 82 32 or email me

Also see my post  Restoring & repairing Vintage Hats